SkyHOP stands for Skyline: House Of Prayer. Prayer isn’t meant to be a last resort when things fall apart, but is something we should do regularly. We believe that our church should be a 24/7 place of prayer and have dedicated a room with hourly prayer slots 24/7 where anyone can come to pray. Be a part of our 24/7 prayer team by signing up for a prayer slot!
Why Prayer Is Important Especially In This Time
We live in an ever bustling world hemmed in by daily demands. Time flies. So we lose touch with hearing God’s voice. It’s one thing to pray. It’s another to pray with divine insight and prophetic foresight… something the tribe of Issachar knew. 1 Chronicles 12:23 tells us they “had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…” That’s what God is seeking today… an army of those who hear Him and will persevere in intercession to “see” His glory come.
Find out more on why prayer is more crucial than ever by picking up “The Call Of Issachar” by Ps Dr. Philip Lyn. This book is available in both English & Mandarin.
Be Encouraged!
Prayer doesn’t just change our circumstances, it changes us. Here are some stories of how prayer has changed the lives of others.
We believe in the power of prayer. If you have any needs or prayer requests, feel free to drop them here.