Faith Story by Juliana Lu Ansis

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In June, my daughter Evie’s skin suddenly started to peel all over her body. Cracks appeared on her feet and hands; cracks so deep that they bled. When I held her hand, it felt as if I was holding an old person’s hand.

I took her to see a skin specialist, where it was diagnosed as psoriasis.
Because of this condition, there were many things she was unable to do – play the piano, do sports, and outdoor activities. Showering was painful for her, which meant she would not be able to enjoy swimming.

Here are the creams the doctor gave her – three layers of creams to be applied all over her body twice a day.

Number 1 is to lock the moisture onto her skin, number 2 are 3 different types steroids with 3 different strength for different parts of her body, and number 3 is the moisturizer.
We were told that there is NO CURE for this condition. Therefore, this routine will stay forever. It was very taxing for both of us; every application would take at least 10 mins, after which she would need to put on gloves and socks which she had to keep on all the time – 24 hours.

When Ps Philip announced that the upcoming Rhema Fest was called “Anointed to Heal”, I got very excited. By then I was also very desperate for spiritual intervention for Evie. Despite being a working mother with no maid to help at home, I made the effort to attend this Rhema Fest. I liked what Rev Chad said – that healing is easy. “When we lay hands, don’t lay empty hands. Pray that the life of God will flow through our hands,” he said.

I took this  during lunch time after session 7 of Rhema Fest. As you can see, cracks were appearing. When the steroids creams are applied, the cracks will clear within four days. Well, after praying for her, I made the BOLD decision to put aside ALL her creams! I didn’t look at them again.

Two days after Rhema Fest, I checked her feet. To my amazement, the cracks have closed up! Mind you, NO steroids no creams have been applied since Rhema Fest!


Her hands look plump and rosy, and they are starting to look like normal.


Five days after Rhema Fest, her hands and feet start to return to normal. I am still in awe! Praise the Lord!

I’m also teaching Evie to pray and claim healing for herself. She is only 7 years old, but every time she feels unwell, first thing she will do is declare healing.